Locked Out? How to deal with lock problems!

All right, you may not want to admit it but most of us have broken a key off in a lock of some kind. Naturally, this little mistake always happens at the worst possible time of night, the worst part of town, and in the worst weather. Your lock problems can multiply if...

Kеуlеѕѕ lосkѕ аnd all оf their bеnеfіtѕ

Improvements in thе fіеld of technology hаѕ mаdе lіfе еаѕіеr for us. Be it оur hоmеѕ оr іn the оffісе, tесhnоlоgу is required еvеrуwhеrе. Even thе ѕаfеtу of оur belongings can be bооѕtеd mаjоrlу by uѕіng advanced security systems аnd keyless lосkѕ are аmоng thеm....

The benefits of keyless locks explained

Everyone with a pulse has had a situation where they have carried a whole bunch of keys on a keychain, have lost keys and they sometimes fail to open the locks they require to open over time. In fact, a number of robberies take place while fumbling for keys in our...

Digital locks are more secure??

In this locksmith video we talk about digital locks and their benefits. With so many benefits over digital locks it is no wonder so many people are switching to digital locks these days. Even better digital locks are getting much less expensive then they were many...