Key busted in lock. What to do next.

Getting a broken key out of a lock may seem like an impossible task for many. After all, there are few sounds that are more disheartening than hearing that telltale ‘click’ when they key has snapped off inside of a lock. Fortunately, we are here to provide...

What I do to get a broken key out of a lock

It can be quite embarrassing to have a broken key in a lock. Sometimes, having a broken key shaft stuck in the lock can feel like an emergency. Interestingly, you don’t always have to involve a locksmith in every situation. All you need is just a little patience and a...

Quick list of popular residential keys

Locksmiths are sociable people. They are usually so kind that they drive to their clients’ house just open the door for them. Obviously, you will have to call them and inform them that you have locked yourself outside. After undergoing this somewhat embarrassing...